Taking the medicine – disappointment in defeat

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

So Scotland voted No to independence – I’m disappointed.

I became engaged and excited at the prospect of an independent Scotland over the last few months, being a native, having done a reporting trip there, hosted a political debate and followed the campaigning with wonder and amusement at the creativity and verve on display.

The exercise threw up both of the core elements I address in Fraudcast News – how radical improvements to our governance systems might be possible and what sort of media coverage would help those come about.

I thought an independent Scotland might become an exemplar of more accountable, transparent government, a huge improvement on Westminster.

That was the main reason I was, and remain, an enthusiastic advocate for Yes.

My side lost – dang.

So I have to take the medicine I advocated a few months back for those on the losing side, as described in this blog post for the National Collective

This is the essence:

There is an end in sight to the referendum marathon – and a day-after that promises a large chunk of Scotland’s resident voters wake up on the wrong side of the result. The losers will include the angry, the anxious and deeply disappointed, with many seeking someone to blame. The winners’ challenge will be how to celebrate victory without rubbing neighbours’ noses in it. Whatever the outcome, “yes” and “no” voters will be picking up the pieces side by side.

You can read more here.

It is of course not the end of the world – which is why I’m now turning my attention back to climate change issues.